

Photo by Terry Stickles

Hello! Thank you for checking out my page! I try to post updates, but find I’m not such a great blogger. I may or may not grow into blogging, but will try to keep updates coming. If you have any questions, I can be reached using the Contact form. Below is a list of my current books. Watch for updates!

My Books

Hello, Mommy is available now in  print and eBook!


Hello, Mommy cover

Here are the links to get your copy!

Westbow Press
Barnes & Noble





My children’s book, Saving the Tooth Fairy, is available in hard cover and Kindle, from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Books-A-Million.





Short stories:

TrOLL Road is available on Kindle at amazon.com, Nook at bn.com, and iBooks.

Moonshiner’s Revenge is available on Kindle, coming to other formats soon.
